Every Writer Needs An Editor
Dear Writers:
Actually, you might not feel comfortable calling yourself a writer, but if you’ve ever written a bit of your own history, a short story or other work of fiction, or a full-scale autobiography, that’s what you are. A writer.
But being a writer doesn’t mean you know how to make a book. That’s where I come in.
Every writer from William Shakespeare to William Faulkner has needed an editor. So do you. I’m here to offer you a writer-editor partnership.
Whether your book is currently a jumble of papers in a shoebox or sitting in a lonely folder on your computer, I can turn it into a book for you. I can also shepherd it through the printing process and get it up for sale on Amazon.
If you think what I do might be of use to you, let’s get together and talk. My contact information is all over this website. Meanwhile, take a look at some of the books I’ve edited for others, including children’s books. Imagine your 7-year-old as an author. What a way to instill an appreciation for books at a young age!
And keep this in mind – the holidays are coming. The holidays are ALWAYS coming. What a wonderful present your book would make for your family and friends!
ALl smiles
With Granddaughter Devon
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Ready to take the next step? You can become a published author.