Most of the books listed below, both those edited and written by Beth, can be found on Amazon.

Books Edited by Beth

Abby and the Old Guy by Robert Quinn

A Body Worker’s Practical Guide to Prescription Medication by Mary Galipeau

Bonnie and the Young Guy by Robert Quinn

Dancing Around the Truth by Christine Jacobsen

Demon Doodles by Joe Zarda

46 Days: The Story of Frank Giannino’s Record-Breaking Run Across America by Kevin Gleason

HiddenTreasures of the Hudson Valley by Anthony Musso

Hidden Treasures of the Catskills by Anthony Musso

It Was No Accident by Trish Nelson

KENTOMANIA: A Black Basketball Virtuoso in Communist Poland by Kent Washington

Larry on the Loose! And other Animal Escapades by Jan Berlin

Odyssey: The Life and Times of a German Boy by Helmut Voellmann

Once There Was a Deep Forest by Jim Tarvin, illustrations by Tessa Schaumburg

Staatsburg: A Village Lost in Time by Anthony Musso

The Bedside Brit by Leslie GH Pride Collins

The Mothball Fleet by Anthony Musso

Books Written by Beth

Bulldog Your Way Through Cancer by Beth Quinn and Josie Mullally

The Best of Beth

Unleashed, the Collected Dog Columns